Course 8: Diabetic Macular Edema Management (According to DRCR Protocols)
Course 8: Diabetic Macular Edema Management (According to DRCR Protocols)

Ahmed Souka
18:30 – 18:40 | Ahmed Souka, Egypt Introduction about ultrawidefield optos |
18:40 – 18:50 | Mostafa El Manhaly, Egypt How do we grade diabetic retinopathy using optos |
18:50 – 19:00 | Ahmed Souka, Egypt Historical evolution of DME management |
19:00 – 19:15 | Mostafa El Manhaly, Egypt Regular DME injection protocol and which Drug to inject |
19:15 – 19:35 | Ahmed Souka, Egypt Management of persistent DME -Role of laser -Role of steroids in DME -Role of switching of drugs -Role of surgery for persistent DME |
19:35 – 19:40 | Ahmed Souka, Egypt High vision with DME |
19:40 – 19:45 | Ahmed Souka, Egypt Protocol AC |
19:45 – 19:55 | Mostafa El Manhaly, Egypt Safety of anti-VEGF and new anti-VEGF in the market |
19:55 – 20:00 | Discussion |