I was born in 1971 in Turkey. I have started my medical education at Hacettepe University Medical Faculty in 1987 and graduated with the seventh degree of that term in 1994. I have started to work as a resident in November 1994 and graduated as an ophthalmologist after completing my thesis named “Examination of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness with the Nerve Fiber Analyzer” and passing the specialty examination with success in April 1999.
I had a short course of study with Dr. Hans Lemij on examination of retinal nerve fiber layer with the Nerve Fiber Analyzer in Rotterdam Eye Hospital (The Netherlands) during my residency period in October 1997.
I work at Gazi University Medical Faculty (GUMF) Ophthalmology Department, Retina division as an instructor between September 1999 and April 2003 and as an Assistant Professor between 2003-2005. My primary interest is in retinal diseases and vitreoretinal surgery. I studied in Retina division of Miami University Bascom Palmer Eye Institute as an observer under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Harry Flynn for 3 months in 2004 summer. I have passed the examination to become an Associate Professor in November 2005. I was appointed to a professorship and I am one of the retinal consultants in GUMF Ophthalmology Department retina clinic as a Professor since then. I have been to Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan as a clinical observer in pediatric retina clinic under the supervision of Dr. Trese ve Capone in April 2010. ROP has become my primary specialty after that.
I passed the ICO examinations in 2005 and Turkish Ophthalmology Board examination in 2006. I was awarded the “Aysun Küçükel Young Researcher Medical Prize” in 2011.
I have more than 75 articles published in international journals and 85 articles published in national journals. These studies have been cited more than 400 times in several studies. I presented more than 55 papers in international, 160 papers in national meetings. I am married for 17 years and have 2 children. I am a member of the Turkish Ophthalmological Society (TOS), European Retina Society, European Vitreoretinal Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology and an active member of TOS Retina and Vitreoretinal Surgery subsocieties. I can speak English well.