2000: Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Eye Diseases1996: Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical FacultyWORK EXPERIENCE
2016 – Currently Acıbadem Healthcare Group2010 – Prof. Dr. Reşat Belger Beyoğlu Eye Training and Research HospitalMEMBERSHIP
- Turkish Ophthalmology Association (TOD)
- Turkish Ophthalmology Society Istanbul Branch Board Member
- TOD Vitreoretinal Surgery Unit Member
- Turkish National Union of Tables
- TOD Medical Retina Unit Member
Duke Vitreoretinal Surgery-World Expert Panel at EVRS16Th Annual European Vitreoretinal Specialists Acar N. Invited Panelist: Moderator: Tamer Mahmoud. Panelists: NurAcar-Turkey, Wilson Heriot-Australia, Makoto Inoue-Japan, Carsten Meyer-Germany, Leo
Extraction of an intraocular foreign body with a new forcepsFiorentina 2015, Cutting Edge Live Surgery, Imaging, and Innovative Science Acar N.
Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy as the presenting manifestation of the primary antiphospholipid syndrome.Indian J Ophthalmol. Tugcu B, Acar N, Coskun CT, Celik S, Yigit FU.
The outcome of photodynamic therapy in choroidal neovascularization due to pathologic myopia and related factorsInt Ophthalmol. Altan T, Acar N, Kapran Z, Unver YB, Ozdogan S.
Triamcinolone applicator cannulaRetina Kapran, Z., Altan, T., Acar, N., and Unver, YB.
Transconjunctival 25-gauge sutureless vitrectomy and silicone oil injection in diabetic tractional retinal detachmentRetina Altan, T., Acar, N., Kapran, Z., Unver, YB. And Ozdogan, S.
Efficacy of intravitreal triamcinolone for the treatment of macular edema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion in eyes with or without grid laseRetina Cakir, M., Doğan, M., Bayraktar, Z., Bayraktarm S., Acar, N., Altan, T., Kapran, Z. and Yilmaz
Acute endophthalmitis after 25-gauge sutureless vitrectomyInt Ophthalmol Acar, N., Unver, Y.B., Altan, T. ve Kapran, Z.
Active removal of silicone oil with 25-gauge sutureless systemRetina Kapran, Z, and Acar, N.
Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection for the management of diabetic macular edemaFifth European VitreoRetinal Society Meeting Çakır, M., Utine, C.A., Acar, N., Unver, Y.B., Beyazal, M., Perente, I., Altan, T., ve Bayraktar, Z.